Well, here's a trend that is just starting to break over the horizion - using RSS feeds to provide audio content. Well, its new to me, and probably to most of you, but a quick survey of the web shows me that there are already a surprising number of podcasts buzzing in cyberspace.
Everone seems to be talking about the Dawn and Drew Show, for example: a married couple broadca -- oops, podcasting from their 1895 farmhouse in Wisconsin. But sports, politics, even your typical confessional blog -- all audio -- can be found online. The name, of course, comes from astoundingly popular Apple IPOD. But any news aggregator that supports audio is equipped to lead you into this new world. The RSS 2.0 specification provides an "enclosure" tag that can be used to specify an audio attachment. This is the secret to turning an ordinary feed into a Podcast. Sharon Housley has provided a nice little summary of the technology in her Small Business Blog. What could your organization do with audio on demand like this? |
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