- A Model Approach
- Like Pulling Teeth
- Bread and Butter 2.0
- Hardware Lifecycle Planning
- The g'Earls on Tech Training
- Keeping Credit Cards Secure
- Content Management
- Content Creation
- Weeding Out Misguided Complexity
- That Was the Year that Was
- Keeping It Simple
- Defeating Feature Fatigue
- Open Source and the GPL
- The Power of APIs
- Microformats
- J is for Javascript
The topics discussed here grow out of the bread-and-butter issues that confront my consulting and software clients on a daily basis. We'll talk about prosaic stuff like Membership Management, Meetings and Events Management and Fundraising, broader ideas like security and software project management, and the social, cultural, and organizational issues that impact IT decision-making.
Technology Links
NonProfit Technology Links
- Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- Beth's Blog
- Have Fun Do Good
- The 'Other' Michael Stein
- Idealware Blog
- Net Squared
- Wild Apricot Newsblog
Fundraising and Management Links
- Fundraising Breakthroughs
- Selfish Giving
- Non Profit Blog Exchange
- Emily's World
- Communication Overtones
- Today I Cried
- KK's Blog
- Non-Profit Communications
Developing World
Recent Posts
- Friday Links: June 16th
- Fundraising Lab
- wikiCalc beta
- Google Spreadsheets
- The Dog and Pony Show
- Links Roundup: June 2
- The Power of APIs
- Hub-bub
- The Death of Wikipedia?
- Victory for Bloggers in California Court
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