8 random facts about myself
![]() First the rules: 1) Post these rules before you give your facts 2) List 8 random facts about yourself 3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them 4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged Then the facts: 1) One of my great passions is playing old-time fiddle. Every summer for the last seven years Doria and I have gone to Ashokan Southern Week for a musical vacation. Well almost - this summer we went to Ashokan Western-Swing Week instead. 2) While my usual whisky is Jack Daniels because it is better suited to my budget, I adore Talisker - the older the bottling the better. 3) I'm a great fan of the films of Peter Greenaway - especially Prospero's Book's, his envisioning of The Tempest, with the late John Geilgud speaking ALL the roles. 4) I devour mystery paperbacks - recently Doria and I tore through all of Lisa Scottoline's books in less than a month. 5) From 1972 to 1975 I worked at the Berkeley Free Clinic, in Berkeley, Ca. It was my first non-profit, but back then then we thought of it as an alternative institution. 6) In high school my friends and I put out a magazine called Odd. It was issued in a single copy, usually with elaborate covers made of an unusual material - foam rubber, or hinged stainless steel. Each issue passed from hand to hand down the subscription list until it was confiscated by the administration. 7) The first computer I ever used as an IBM 1130. It was about the size of a combined washer-dryer and had 16K of memory. The first program I wrote simulated traffic arriving at an intersection to determine the optimal length for the left turn early lane. 8) The first computer I owned was a TRS-80 Model III in 1981. I wrote a program I called Freelancers Assistant to track and bill my technical writing clients. One of them asked if he could by the program. Oh, this could get good, I thought. But I didn't really get into it full time until the company developing software for my sister's business went bankrupt, and she asked me to finish the project. Finally: here are the eight people I'm tagging. The West Coast Michael Stein: http://michaelstein.typepad.com/michael_stein/ Amy Kincaid: http://changematters.blogspot.com/ Marshall Kirkpatrick: http://marshallk.com/ Morra Aarons-Mele: http://womenandwork.org/ Peter Brinkerhof: http://missionbased.blogspot.com/ Susan Reynolds: http://susanreynolds.blogs.com/ Paul Hyland: http://www.paulhyland.com/Kami Huyse: http://overtonecomm.blogspot.com/ |
Comments on "8 random facts about myself"
Great random things post! random, personal, entertaining.
re #6 this means that you were part of an early mixed media artist cooperative venture. Who knew at the time?
Luckily for one of us I have already written my 8-things http://tinyurl.com/2ssk8g after being unexpectedly tagged by that social media talkin boa-wearing Texan ConnieReece - http://tinyurl.com/2jq64y
Official rules (ha) say we should ask another. Has Aaron Brazell http://technosailor.com/ hit on this one yet I wonder?
Thanks for thinking of me. I love being picked for just about anything except KP duty.