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Comments on "Facebook Developers Garage"
Hi Michael,
The question may have been asked to the wrong audience. Ask the same question to a group of marketing folks and I bet you'll see all hands are going to be up.
I would agree Michael, you asked the wrong audience - at CBF our web team is exploring ways to explore these same tools to further our call to action. We know from our work with multiple web services that they are also looking to implement API links that allow applets to live in a Facebook environment that would then feed back to the eCRM.
Take care - Michael
It's time we started compiling a list of use cases for the ideal nonprofit Facebook app. A lot of folks (myself included) are thinking about the API in a nonprofit context; I think if we put our heads together and listed possible user stories, it'd be easier to see what we each might want to work towards, and possibly collaborate on.
It might also make it easier to see which use cases could be abstracted a little, and which ones would belong to an organization-specific Facebook app. Maybe a skeleton for a nonprofit FB app would emerge, possibly a little different from existing not-nonprofit skeletons? Much to think about, and possibly a good topic for discussion at a conference.
Interesting. The immediate question to me is: is the ideal non-profit app on a for profit website?
The use-cases (user scenarios for any non-geeks around) really are different for for-profit (get as many as you can to read our ads) as they are for cause-based organizations (first hand:get as many people to clean up coast-side trash as you can).
There's a take on social-based information - from tagging to blogging - that tends to take the goals of the organizer as benign. This can be as mistaken in a for-profit as in a non-profit. Social networks can be organic, evolved, engineered and manipulated. Yeah for one and boo for the other - take your pick on where the particular set of networks on Facebook you may have joined line up.
Interesting. The immediate question to me is: is the ideal non-profit app on a for profit website?
The use-cases (user scenarios for any non-geeks around) really are different for for-profit (get as many as you can to read our ads) as they are for cause-based organizations (first hand:get as many people to clean up coast-side trash as you can).
There's a take on social-based information - from tagging to blogging - that tends to take the goals of the organizer as benign. This can be as mistaken in a for-profit as in a non-profit. Social networks can be organic, evolved, engineered and manipulated. Yeah for one and boo for the other - take your pick on where the particular set of networks on Facebook you may have joined line up.
Social engineering indeed. I just left a rather long post, but the blogger's auth is required.
I wonder if Michael would approve it Facebook needed to authorize every "Michael is" change.
Here's a fact I found surprising - you can not sign off of Facebook. The best you can do is disable your profile. Technical help of Facebook confirmed to me that everything you did there stays there, and will be reactivated as soon as you re-enable your account.
Glad I got out after a few weeks - only a few messages and interest that are in Facebook's domain.
In all the excitement, privacy and security are clearly left behind. The current policy clearly violates the EU's laws about information self-determination - but the sites like Facebook are outracing law enforcement.
Keep in mind that what you say on Facebook is not your information but becomes Facebook's to divulge as they see fit to make a profit.