Summers Over Once Again
1. IT at NPOs: Non-Profit Tech Recruiting. Via my friend Marnie Webb's blog, I happened to read this article from Information Week. Reporting on a survey conducted by Johns Hopkins University of recruitment at 790 organizations, the article reports that non-profit organizations find recruiting technology staff particularly difficult. Perceptions that non-profits pay less, provide less attractive benefit packages, and offer less chance for professional advancement were cited by the recruiters as reasons candidates were reluctant to sign up. The study also noted, however, that only 37% of non-profits surveyed were trying to recruit tech staff, while 84% were trying to recruit professional staff in general. 2. Blogging: Why Full-text Feeds Actually Increase Page Views. Tinu Abayomi-Paul points out this little piece that argues that people who put only snippets in their blog's rss feed instead of the full text of their postings, hoping to lure people into their site to finish reading, actually diminish the number of real visits to their site. The article is fairly convincing, and led me to immediately change my feed to provide the full article. 3. Mobile: An Open/Standards-based phone to debut. I got twigged to this offering waiting in the wings by a posting by Riche Zamor on Facebook. OpenMoko is a GNU / Linux based platform for mobile device software development. The company will be releasing their phone, the Neo1973, sometime in November. The Economist says OpenMoko, an initiative aimed at developing all the technology for a mobile smart phone based on non-proprietary Linux software, is everything the iPhone could have been but is not.4. And now for something completely different. Just in from Wired: Powerpoint-based Pecha-Kucha takes Tokyo by storm. Labels: nptech |
Comments on "Summers Over Once Again"
Howdy, Mike! Glad I could help. :) I used to advise people to use partical feeds both to drive page views and to ensure their feed would not be ripped as extensively. But content gets stolen anyway, and I eventually found during a break with a new blog that full feeds bring quick subscriptions.
Summer's not over for another 2 weeks!
Hey Michael,
Openmoko is already out... People already have some. It's sold out right now but people have had it in their hands for sure (even me). Openmoko as it stands kinda sux for consumers. It's not ready for primetime yet but it will be...