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The topics discussed here grow out of the bread-and-butter issues that confront my consulting and software clients on a daily basis. We'll talk about prosaic stuff like Membership Management, Meetings and Events Management and Fundraising, broader ideas like security and software project management, and the social, cultural, and organizational issues that impact IT decision-making.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Making rain

I've been slowly working my way down the list of sites participating in The Non-profit Blog Exchange, reviewing one each day over my morning coffee. This morning we arrive at The Rainmaker's Blog. Maintained by fundraising professional Dana Salisbury, the site provides longer articles on non-profit management and finance. I couldn't find a statement of any sort on the site that explained the mission and orientation of the site, or the biographies of the authors. That's a real oversight: such a statement really helps potential readers evaluate a site's usefulness to them. But articles on forging nonprofit partnerships, working with major corporations, and working with stock gifts seemed like they might plant a few seeds in readers' heads, especially in organizations just starting to launch a serious fundraising effort. New articles seem to appear only once every few weeks: not necessarily a bad thing in this age of information glut. If you are involved in development at your org, its probably worth your while to bookmark this site and check it every now and then.

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